creativity with a seamless paper roll

This week I decided to try one of my new color seamless paper rolls for a quick shoot. Instead of the typical setup, I decided to try shooting through the roll by ripping a hole in the center and framing the subject (myself) directly in the center. In order to help ensure the hole in the paper from falling to complete black, I decided to throw a colored light behind me into a grey seamless paper roll to add a little bit of interest to the background. 

The main light used in the images was a beauty dish with a diffusion sock placed high and slightly to camera right. There is also a gridded strip box behind and to camera left of the subject (just to give separation and dimension to the image). There was also a large parabolic umbrella (diffused) used as a fill light to bring in more detail to the shadow areas. For the background light (illuminating the grey seamless) both blue and orange gels were used on a monolight. Check out some of the images below!